The annual meeting of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Control 17-21 May 2021

27.4.2021 | News item

HEUNI will be organising two side events at the annual meeting of the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Control (CCPCJ), which is taking place in hybrid format in view of the COVIC pandemic. HEUNI is participating in this year's session entirely online.

The thematic discussion of the CCPCJ is focusing on "effective measures to prevent and counter the smuggling of migrants, while protecting the rights of smuggled migrants, particularly women and children, and those of unaccompanied migrant children". In this respect, HEUNI's Director Natalia Ollus will give a presentation in the workshop to be organized by the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme network on this theme.  The workshop "Lessons Learned: Impact of the Smuggling Protocol Twenty Years Later" is held on 17 May, and Natalia will speak about research and recommendations regarding violence against women in migration.

In addition, HEUNI is organising two side events during the CCPCJ. The first session is focusing on showcasing our recent work to prevent labour exploitation, in particular the collaboration between labour inspectors and the police. We are pleased to also have speakers from Finland, Norway and the UNODC presenting their experiences and good practice.
The second session is focusing on the measurement of corruption, and will showcase the recent indicators for measuring corruption in Finnish context, followed by a presentation of a measurement framework developed by the Commonwealth Secretariat, and a discussion with input from academia and the UNODC. The two side events are also part of the celebration of HEUNI's 40th anniversary, taking place in 2021.  

  • 20 May at 14.10-15 EET/ 13.10-14 CET: The route to a successful investigation of labour exploitation and trafficking for forced labour: guidelines and recommendations for labour inspectors and police  

    Register for the event here
  • 21 May at 14.10-15 EET/ 13.10-14 CET: Immeasurable corruption? Recent indicators and benchmarks for a comprehensive assessment of corruption  

    Register for the event here
We kindly ask you to complete the pre-registration by 18.05.2021.  
Corruption Criminal justice Economic crime Event Human trafficking Labour exploitation Police SDG UN Victims of crime