The content is based on information collected by the EASY project partners: the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI), University of Lleida (Spain), Associació Valentes I Acompanyades (Spain), SOLWODI (Germany), and the Immigrant Council of Ireland.
NEVER EASY — Checklist for individuals assessing forced marriage situations (multiple languages)
As a part of the EASY-project we have created a checklist that can be shared to individuals who may need to consider their situation regarding forced marriages. The checklist can be printed in multiple languages and it is currently available in Amharic, Bengali, Dari, English, Farsi, French, Finnish, German, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tigrinya, Turkish, and Urdu.
Before handing out the checklist, the contact details of the oragnisation can be added via pen or a sticker to the white box on the right upper corner, titled ‘’Do you have questions or concerns?’’.