New project maps grievance mechanisms and migrant workers’ access to remedy in the Baltic Sea Area

6.9.2023 | News item

HEUNI starts a new project “Safety for all? Remedy for exploited migrant workers in the Nordic region” together with Loretta and Martin Luther King Institute and Ethical Trading Initiative Sweden. The project is funded by the CBSS Project Support Facility (PSF).

The project addresses grievance mechanisms and access to remedy for workers who
experience exploitation or other business-related abuse in the Baltic Sea area.
Migrant workers are at a heightened risk to face labour exploitation such as underpayment, debt bondage, irregular recruitment costs, and excessive overtime. Migrant workers may also face barriers in access to justice when trying to seek restitution and remedy for the experienced abuse (IOM 2021).

The project maps the different grievance mechanisms, covering state-based judicial and non-judicial mechanisms as well as non-state based mechanisms. The project provides an analysis which also identifies gaps in the existing mechanisms and assesses their accessibility to migrant workers. 

The project focuses especially on the available mechanisms in Finland, Sweden and Norway. Additionally, the project looks into other Baltic sea countries and gathers good practices from the countries.

The project will produce a larger report together with a summary and table of the different mechanisms. The project will be finished in October 2024.

The project partners include HEUNI, Coretta & Martin Luther King Institute and Ethical Trading Initiative Sweden.

The project is co-funded by CBSS Project Support Facility (PSF) and CBSS CAPE III project together with the Swedish gender equality agency, as well as the project partners.


Contact details:
Project manager, sustainability specialist Saara Haapasaari, [email protected]


Labour exploitation Victim assistance