PROMISE-TRM. Multidisciplinary interagency services for child victims of trafficking

2022 - 2024

The PROMISE-TRM project addresses the specific needs of child victims of trafficking and exploitation, including where facilitated by online technology, by significantly strengthening the opportunities and means for coordination between (i) authorities and actors specifically involved in responding to trafficking cases and (ii) authorities and actors involved in responding to violence against children and ensuring child centred justice processes more generally.

The project contributes to the development of the BRS-TRM. 

The PROMISE Barnahus Network is working to strengthen the opportunities and means for coordination between authorities and actors, specifically in responding to trafficking cases and authorities and actors involved in responding to violence against children and ensuring child justice processes more generally. The project develops standards and guiding principles for national and transnational referral mechanisms incorporating a specific focus on child victims and incorporating a specialised and child-centred multidisciplinary response for child victims of trafficking, drawing inspiration from multidisciplinary and interagency services for child victims and witnesses of violence (Barnahus), in national and transnational mechanisms. Promoting integrated child protection systems is intrinsically linked to preventing and protecting children from violence.

This work supports the implementation of key elements of the EU strategies on trafficking, victim’s rights, and children’s rights with a specific aim of contributing to the implementation of provisions to ensure child-friendly justice and safe pathways to recovery and durable solutions set out in international and European legal frameworks.

Furthermore, this work promotes early identification, adequate assistance and protection, access to child-friendly justice, long-term assistance and social inclusion and durable solutions for children who are suspected of being trafficked (physical and online trafficking) by ensuring coordination of child protection and criminal justice proceedings in a child-centred, multidisciplinary manner.

"Investigative interviews with suspected victims of child trafficking": training by Dr. Julia Korkman


This online training introduced a handbook and protocol in investigative interviews with suspected victims of child trafficking.

Watch this training to:
Gain knowledge in how best to support trafficked children to tell everything that has happened to them.
For interviewers, build skills in carrying out interviews to detect and investigate trafficking and exploitation, including online trafficking and exploitation.

Exploitation of adolescents and children Victim assistance