Study on reflection periods granted for THB victims and trading in sexual services as grounds for denial of stay

2022 - 2023

The Ministry of the Interior of Finland has commissioned a study, which HEUNI will carry out, on the reflection periods granted to victims of human trafficking during which the victims can decide whether to cooperate with the authorities in apprehending the suspected perpetrators. In addition, HEUNI will examine how suspicions of trading in sexual services are taken into account in cases where denial of stay is considered.

The aim is to find out whether there are any challenges or shortcomings in legislation, its application or in the practices of the authorities that prevent the detection of human trafficking and the referral of victims of sexual exploitation, in particular, to assistance, consequently preventing the realisation of their rights as well as the enforcement of criminal liability. 

HEUNI will analyse documents containing decisions made by the Police, the Finnish Border Guard, the Finnish Immigration Service and the Assistance System for Victims of Human Trafficking. This data will be complemented by interviews with the authorities and practitioners working with the victims.

The need for this study was laid out in the Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings published in 2021. The study will produce information for anti-trafficking work and its development, and it is due to be published at the end of 2022. Based on the study, an assessment can be made of possible needs to amend legislation or of other development measures.

Ministry of the Interior Press Release 7.6.2022: New study aims to improve detection of human trafficking

Sisäministeriön tiedote 7.6.2022: Uudella selvityksellä halutaan edistää ihmiskaupan ilmituloa

Inrikesministeriets pressmeddelande 7.6.2022: Ny utredning syftar till att främja avslöjandet av människohandel


Anniina Jokinen, Senior Programme Officer, [email protected]

Human trafficking

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