HEUNI continues to strengthen its visibility and contacts with policy-makers and other stakeholders internationally in order to advance evidence-based policy-making that promotes rational and humane crime prevention and criminal justice. Because of its acquired expertise and position as the European regional institute in the UN crime programme, HEUNI has unique potential to bring evidence-based promising practices in Europe to the attention of policy-makers and other stakeholders not only in Europe, but also globally.
HEUNI also explores new avenues and visual techniques in communicating the results from e.g. research projects or other tasks. Particular attention is paid to summarising information and presenting it in a manner that takes into consideration the needs of the target audiences.
Content with Heuni Article types Media .
15.05.2024 | Media | News item | Victims of crime | Labour exploitation
Podcast "#226 Arbetslivskriminalitet: Mer action i Finland – Sverige ligger långt efter"
What are the differences between Sweden and Finland when it comes to addressing labour exploitation in the construction sector? This podcast discussion (in Swedish) with Natalia Ollus and Tord af...
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21.09.2023 | Media | News item | Labour exploitation | Economic crime
Ihmiskaupan torjunta velvoittaa myös yrityksiä
Euroopan unionista on tulossa vahvempaa yritysvastuusääntelyä. Yritysten vastuu vaikutuksistaan arvoketjuissaan vahvistuu. Mitä uusia vaatimuksia sääntely tuo yrityksille työperäisen ihmiskaupan...
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12.08.2022 | Media | News item | Victims of crime
Svenska Yle. Rättspsykologen Julia Korkman: En minnesbild kan kännas levande och detaljerad – och ändå vara felaktig
Rättspsykologen och minnesforskaren Julia Korkman avslutar sommarpratssäsongen med att prata om mänskans minne. Vad minns vi – och hur? Hon uppmanar oss att stänga våra skärmar och samla rika...
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11.03.2022 | Media | News item | Victim assistance | Victims of crime
Mechanisms of Memory, trauma-centered criminal justice system and new investigation techniques – hot topics in leading Finnish media
Julia Korkman, HEUNI’s senior programme officer, expert and adjunct professor in legal psychology was interviewed on the prime time Puoli seitsemän show by the Finnish Broadcasting Company.
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19.01.2021 | Media | News item
HEUNI’s director Natalia Ollus interviewed for Swedish Radio
HEUNI’s director Natalia Ollus was interviewed for Swedish Radio P1 on the difference between Finland and Sweden in the approach to exploitation of migrant workers.
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