Julia Korkman

Senior Programme Officer

Julia Korkman is an adjunct professor (docent) in legal psychology. She has led several large research projects in the field of legal psychology and is a co-leader of the research group in legal psychology at Åbo Akademi unviersity. She has expertise in, among other things, investigative interviewing and assessing witnesses in legal processes, investigating alleged cases of crimes against children, eyewitness identifications, factors associated with rape victims’ tendencies to make police reports and asylum processes. At HEUNI, Dr Korkman is responsible for the planning and implementation of HEUNI's EU and other international and national projects, especially regarding the rights of victims of crime, the fight against violence against women and developing the criminal justice process in an evidence-based and humane way. From July 2023, Dr Korkman is the President of the European Association of Psychology and Law.

Julia Korkman

Writings, projects and publications