Anni Lietonen


“The criminal justice system is rather focused on the perpetrator, and therefore research that uncovers the experiences of the victims is extremely important. I also feel it is not enough to just collect data and analyse it; investing time and expertise to science communication is equally important. Research findings should be shared not only with scientists and policy makers but also with other relevant stakeholders and the general public. Knowledge is best when shared!"

Anni Lietonen (M.Soc.Sc) works as a researcher at HEUNI, where her current focus is on trafficking in human beings, labour exploitation and corporate social responsibility, as well as on gender-based violence in general but also especially in the refugee and asulym seeking context. Ms Lietonen has studied sociology and criminology in the United Kingdom (BA, University of Sunderland), during which she spent one year in Ireland as an Erasmus student. She received her Master’s degree in Social Sciences from the University of Helsinki. She has also a certificate for science communication from the Helsinki based Skolar-training program.

Anni’s methodological expertise includes both quantitative and qualitative methods. She has recently been involved in developing an innovative data collection method based on journal writing, and she has quantitative experience in analyzing e.g. the UNDOC crime data and has been involved in developing and analyzing European wide surveys, e.g. the FRA violence against women survey (2014). Through her participation in several research projects through various funding programmes, Anni has extensive experience in the application and execution of EU-wide multinational research projects. In addition to the already mentioned areas of expertise, Anni has also been involved in projects related to cybercrime, trust in justice, and costs of violence and exploitation in the context of marriage.

Anni Lietonen, Researcher

Writings, projects and publications